Little bear and bossyness

Big bear told the little bear that the little bear was bossy the other day. This did not go down well with the little bear, as you might have guessed.

It happened because big bear had been pottering about the house doing some tidying and jobs like that, while the little bear was snoozing in his bed in the morning. Then little bear woke up and told the big bear to get on with the tidying and take the glasses downstairs to go in the dish washing machine and to get on with the jobs.

That made the big bear felt all a bit grumpy and that was when the big bear said that he thought the little bear was a bossy bear.

But the little bear said that he was not a bossy bear at all. Just that he was good at telling other people what to do. Big bear was confused, so he asked the little bear to explain it.

So little bear explained that he was not really bossy because little bear always knows what the right thing to do is, and that other people do not always know what the right thing to do was, and that other people want deep down to be told what the right thing to do was, even if the other people don't seem to want to be told what to do, so little bear does that to make people happy and make the right things happen.

Big bear could not really argue against that one.

So big bear decided that little bear is not bossy at all really. Little bear just tells people what to do all the time.

Good job big and little bear agree that lots of snuggles are a good thing!