There is an ironing fairy

If you know little bear you will know that he is not very good at things like ironing shirts. While big bear is good at ironing shirts big bear does not like to iron shirts because it is a boring job.

Now, between them big and little bear get through lots and lots of shirts every week, and every shirt needs to be ironed nice and flat so the bears look their best for their school-jobs and people take them seriously and everything. Which is a problem.

The big bear got bored of the ironing, and no shirts where ironed for quite a long time. Then the bears were all crumpled at school, and that was not good.

Little bear thought long and hard, and went on the search for something that would do the ironing magically. But the answer came when little bear was not really thinking very hard at all. It was one day when little bear was dancing and singing around the house that little bear discovered the ironing fairy.

The ironing fairy is a magical creature that appears when the little bear does the ironing fairy dance, and then irons the shirts. The ironing fairy dance is a dance when the little bear bobbles up and down on the spot and makes a funny face and bends his arms and waves his elbows in the air. It is a very silly dance!

Sometimes the ironing fairy likes it when little bear does the ironing fairy dance in the middle of the ironing job to keep the ironing fairy magic working.

The ironing fairy looks just like the big bear but the ironing fairy is not the big bear, oh no.

The ironing fairy is most definitely not the big bear doing household jobs because little bear is very cute when he dances, oh no indeedy oh no.