Little bear brings magic water

Every night when the big bear is around at both the bears house which is most nights the bears do the same things before they go to bed. They both make sure the kitchen is clean, do their hands face and teeth, and get into their pyjamas. Well, little bear wears pyjamas, but the big bear just sleeps in his birthday suit and the bears just call it pyjamas.

Big bear normally gets into bed first, and snuggles down. The little bear likes to stay up later at night than the big bear does. When he stays up late he talks on his computer to lots of boys.

Then little bear tucks the big bear in and snuggles him down. And the big bear asks the little bear to bring him some magic water, and the little bear does.

Magic water is just like normal water in a normal glass, but it is special because the little bear makes it magic.

The big bear drinks the magic water and then he sleeps nicely all night long.