Bear Transfers

Big Bear sleeps in the spare room because the Big Bear likes a cold room and the spare room is cold. Before the big bear goes to sleep Little Bear comes and tucks him in, and gets him some water which is magic water. It is just like normal water from the tap, but it is magic because the little bear gets it.

Magic water is good at making the big bear sleep nicely. Oh! And little bear strokes the Big Bear until he falls asleep some times too and that is lovely.

Little bear sleeps in the bears' big bed where the room is nice and warm, but some nights little bear gets lonely in the big bed by himself, even though the little bear has lots of cuddly animals to keep him company.

Then Little Bear sneaks out of his bed into the cold spare room. Littl bear gets the big bear by the hand with his cover and a pillow or two and leads the Big Bear through to his bed. Then there are lots of snuggles, and that is called a bear transfer.