big bear has a sleepy machine

The big bear is sometimes a grumpy bear and sometimes does not sleep the best. Big bear is an especially grumpy bear when he has not had an early night for his bed.

Little bear likes staying up late. Little bear gets grumpy if he has to go to bed early. Big bear gets grumpy if he has to go to bed late. What a silly pair!

One of big and little bears chums said that big bear should tell his doctor man about his not sleeping well, because sometimes doctors can help.

So big did tell his doctor. Big's doctor told another doctor. Big went to see the other doctor in the hostipal, and the other doctor gave the big bear lots of wires and sensors to wear one night at home. Then the other doctor brought the big bear into the hostipal to sleep while they watched the bear sleeping.

Big bear brought a special breathing machine back with him and a mask to wear in the night over his face. The mask is a bit noisy, and it blows air out of it which is uncomfy when it blows it onto the little bear.

Worst is that big bear can not nuzzle into the little bear with the mask on. But big bear has been sleeping better and that means he feels a lot better which is good.

But even so the big bear and little bear still get grumpy with each other from time to time.